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Yasmin Lee is an American transsexual pornographic film actress and model. Lee is of Thai, Cambodian, Chinese, and Brazilian heritage. Her family moved from Thailand to the Philippines before finally settling down in Orange County, California. She joined the U. S. Navy at age 18, but left soon after due to sexuality-based harassment to pursue a career as a drag entertainer and make-up artist. She worked as a make-up artist for Hollywood actresses and music video sets. After beginning to transition, she left her job as a make-up artist due to fear of transphobic discrimination and began work as an assistant on pornography sets. She then worked as a casting director on porn films until she took the place of a woman who did not show up and began her career as an actor in adult films. Her pornography career features dozens of feature titles as well as work on the internet. She has twice been nominated for an AVN Award for her work in transsexual pornography
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Yasmin Lee
Born 1983-06-03 (41 years ago) in Thailand.
Height 180 centimeters.
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