Sara Driver


Sara Driver

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Sara Driver is an American independent filmmaker from Westfield, New Jersey. A participant in the independent film scene that flourished in lower Manhattan from the late 1970s through the 1990s, she gained initial recognition as producer of two early films by Jim Jarmusch, Permanent Vacation and Stranger Than Paradise. Driver has directed two feature films, Sleepwalk and When Pigs Fly, as well as a notable short film, You Are Not I. She served on the juries of various film festivals throughout the 2000s. Driver has been credited with coining the phrase "necro-tourism" after the surge in tourism in New York due to the fall of the World Trade Towers in 2001

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Sara Driver

Born 1955-12-15 (69 years ago) in Westfield.

Name From To Relationship type
Jim Jarmusch(Sambo: 1980–) 1980 Sambo

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Sara Driver

Bio provided by Wikipedia External link to the source of this bio

Sara Driver is an American independent filmmaker from Westfield, New Jersey. A participant in the independent film scene that flourished in lower Manhattan from the late 1970s through the 1990s, she gained initial recognition as producer of two early films by Jim Jarmusch, Permanent Vacation and Stranger Than Paradise. Driver has directed two feature films, Sleepwalk and When Pigs Fly, as well as a notable short film, You Are Not I. She served on the juries of various film festivals throughout the 2000s.

Driver has been credited with coining the phrase "necro-tourism" after the surge in tourism in New York due to the fall of the World Trade Towers in 2001.

Content from Wikipedia provided under the terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
