José Luis Garci


José Luis Garci

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José Luis Garci is a Spanish director, producer, critic, TV presenter, screenwriter and author. He earned worldwide acclaim and his country's first Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award for Begin the Beguine. Four of his films, including also Sesión continua, Asignatura aprobada and El abuelo, have been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, more than any other Spanish director. His films are characterized for his classical style and the underlying sentimentality of their plots

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José Luis Garci

Born 1944-01-20 (81 years ago) in Madrid.

Award Ceremony Year Awarded for
Goya Award for Best Director (Asignatura aprobada) 2nd Goya Awards 1988 Asignatura aprobada
Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film (Begin the Beguine) 55th Academy Awards 1982 Begin the Beguine
Nominated for awards
Award Ceremony Year Nominated for
Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay (Ninette) 20th Goya Awards 2006 Ninette
Goya Award for Best Film (Tiovivo c. 1950) 19th Goya Awards 2005 Tiovivo c. 1950
European Film Award for Best Director (You're the One) European Film Awards 2001 2001 You're the one (una historia de entonces)
Goya Award for Best Director (You're the One) 15th Goya Awards 2001 You're the one (una historia de entonces)
Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay (You're the One) 15th Goya Awards 2001 You're the one (una historia de entonces)
Goya Award for Best Director (The Grandfather) 13th Goya Awards 1999 El abuelo
Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay (The Grandfather) 13th Goya Awards 1999 El abuelo
Goya Award for Best Director (Cradle Song) 9th Goya Awards 1995 Canción de cuna
Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay (Cradle Song) 9th Goya Awards 1995 Canción de cuna
Goya Award for Best Director (Asignatura aprobada) 2nd Goya Awards 1988 Asignatura aprobada
Name From To Relationship type
Andrea Tenuta(Gifta: 2004-06-10–) 2004-06-10 Gifta
Pilar Banderas(Gifta: 1986–1988) 1986 1988 Gifta
Ana María Leston(Gifta: 1973–1976) 1973 1976 Gifta

Mercedes Garci

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José Luis Garci

Bio provided by Wikipedia External link to the source of this bio

José Luis Garci is a Spanish director, producer, critic, TV presenter, screenwriter and author. He earned worldwide acclaim and his country's first Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award for Begin the Beguine. Four of his films, including also Sesión continua, Asignatura aprobada and El abuelo, have been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, more than any other Spanish director. His films are characterized for his classical style and the underlying sentimentality of their plots.

Content from Wikipedia provided under the terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
