Jordan Belfi


Jordan Belfi

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Jordan Christopher Belfi is an American actor. Belfi was born in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from Wesleyan University in 2000. He is known best for his work on HBO's Entourage, in which he plays agent Adam Davies, the nemesis of Ari Gold. On the show Davies betrays Ari at his old agency, giving away Ari's secret effort to build his own firm. Belfi appears semi-regularly over Seasons 1 & 2, and made a single appearance in Season 3 and 2 appearances in season 5. He also had a recurring guest star role in the CBS series Moonlight, starring as the female lead's boyfriend. Belfi also appeared briefly in the Gilmore Girls Season 5 episode "The Party's Over". He also guest starred on Hawaii Five-0 as Spenser Owens in Season 1 Episode 14 "He Kane Hewa' Ole. " In 2012, he guest starred on two episodes of Grey's Anatomy as Nick

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Jordan Belfi

Born 1978-11-30 (46 years ago) in Los Angeles, California, USA.

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Jordan Belfi

Bio provided by Wikipedia External link to the source of this bio

Jordan Christopher Belfi is an American actor.

Belfi was born in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from Wesleyan University in 2000. He is known best for his work on HBO's Entourage, in which he plays agent Adam Davies, the nemesis of Ari Gold. On the show Davies betrays Ari at his old agency, giving away Ari's secret effort to build his own firm. Belfi appears semi-regularly over Seasons 1 & 2, and made a single appearance in Season 3 and 2 appearances in season 5. He also had a recurring guest star role in the CBS series Moonlight, starring as the female lead's boyfriend. Belfi also appeared briefly in the Gilmore Girls Season 5 episode "The Party's Over". He also guest starred on Hawaii Five-0 as Spenser Owens in Season 1 Episode 14 "He Kane Hewa' Ole." In 2012, he guest starred on two episodes of Grey's Anatomy as Nick.

Content from Wikipedia provided under the terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
