John Guillermin


John Guillermin

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John Guillermin (born 11 November 1925) is a British film director, writer, and producer who was most active in big budget, action adventure movies throughout his lengthy career. He was born in London and attended Cambridge University. His more famous films include I Was Monty's Double (1958), Tarzan's Greatest Adventure (1959), Tarzan Goes to India (1962), The Waltz of the Toreadors (1962), The Blue Max (1966), The Bridge at Remagen (1969), The Towering Inferno (1974), King Kong (1976), Death on the Nile (1978) and King Kong Lives (1986). From the 1980s he worked on much less prestigious projects, and his final films consisted of lower budgeted theatrical releases and made-for-TV movies. Guillermin also directed fifteen episodes of the late-1950s sitcom The Adventures of Aggie.

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John Guillermin

Born 1925-11-11 (99 years ago) in London, England, UK. Dead 2015-09-27 (89 years).

Nominated for awards
Award Ceremony Year Nominated for
Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director (Sheena) 5th Golden Raspberry Awards 1984 Sheena
Name From To Relationship type
Maureen Connell(Gifta: 1956-07-20–) 1956-07-20 Gifta

Michelle Guillermin, Michael Guillermin

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John Guillermin

Bio provided by Wikipedia External link to the source of this bio

John Guillermin (born 11 November 1925) is a British film director, writer, and producer who was most active in big budget, action adventure movies throughout his lengthy career. He was born in London and attended Cambridge University. His more famous films include I Was Monty's Double (1958), Tarzan's Greatest Adventure (1959), Tarzan Goes to India (1962), The Waltz of the Toreadors (1962), The Blue Max (1966), The Bridge at Remagen (1969), The Towering Inferno (1974), King Kong (1976), Death on the Nile (1978) and King Kong Lives (1986). From the 1980s he worked on much less prestigious projects, and his final films consisted of lower budgeted theatrical releases and made-for-TV movies. Guillermin also directed fifteen episodes of the late-1950s sitcom The Adventures of Aggie.

Content from Wikipedia provided under the terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
