Howard Franklin


Howard Franklin

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Howard Franklin is an American screenwriter and film director. He wrote and directed the (now-cult) '90's comedy Quick Change, starring Bill Murray, Geena Davis and Jason Robards and The Public Eye, a thinly-veiled biography of the tabloid photographer, Weegee (starring Joe Pesci). His other screenplays include: Someone to Watch Over Me (directed by Ridley Scott); The Name of the Rose (starring Sean Connery); The Man Who Knew Too Little (with Bill Murray); and Antitrust, featuring Tim Robbins as a Bill Gates-like software billionaire.

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Howard Franklin

Nominated for awards
Award Ceremony Year Nominated for
Edgar Award for Best Motion Picture Screenplay (The Name of the Rose) 1987 Edgar Awards 1987 Rosens Namn

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Howard Franklin

Bio provided by Wikipedia External link to the source of this bio

Howard Franklin is an American screenwriter and film director. He wrote and directed the (now-cult) '90's comedy Quick Change, starring Bill Murray, Geena Davis and Jason Robards and The Public Eye, a thinly-veiled biography of the tabloid photographer, Weegee (starring Joe Pesci). His other screenplays include: Someone to Watch Over Me (directed by Ridley Scott); The Name of the Rose (starring Sean Connery); The Man Who Knew Too Little (with Bill Murray); and Antitrust, featuring Tim Robbins as a Bill Gates-like software billionaire.

Content from Wikipedia provided under the terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
