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Erick Avari was born on April 13, 1952 in Darjeeling, India. His credits include leading roles in films from Kevin Reynolds' cult classic The Beast of War (1988) to commercial megahits such as Stargate (1994), Independence Day (1996), The Mummy (1999) andPlanet of the Apes (2001). His comedic skills have landed him starring roles in the Adam Sandler remake Mr. Deeds (2002), The Concierge (1993) and Woody Allen's only television film Don't Drink the Water (1994) (TV). He is also featured in Revelation (2002),The Glass House (2001) and has a starring role in Michael Meredith's Three Days of Rain(2002) and Dancing in Twilight (2005). His long theatrical background has garnered him critical acclaim for several roles at the Joseph PappPublic Theatre in New York City, including his portrayal of Vasquez in "'Tis Pity She's a Whore" and the Broadway hit, "The King and I"
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Erick Avari
Born 1952-04-13 (72 years ago) in Darjeeling, India.
Height 174 centimeters.
Name |
Margaret Walker(Gifta) |
Eruch Avari
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