Dick Van Patten


Dick Van Patten

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Richard Vincent "Dick" Van Patten is an American actor, businessman, and animal welfare advocate, best known for his role as patriarch Tom Bradford on the television sitcom Eight is Enough. He began work as a child actor and was successful on the New York stage, appearing in more than a dozen plays as a teenager. He later starred in numerous television roles including the long running CBS television series, Mama and Young Dr. Malone. Later, he would star or co-star in many feature films including Mel Brooks' Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Charlton Heston's Soylent Green and the Academy Award-winning Charly. Van Patten is the founder of Natural Balance Pet Foods and National Guide Dog Month

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Dick Van Patten

Born 1928-12-09 (96 years ago) in Kew Gardens. Dead 2015-06-23 (86 years).
Height 177 centimeters.

Name From To Relationship type
Pat Van Patten(Gifta: 1954-04-25–) 1954-04-25 Gifta

Richard Byron Van Patten, Josephine Rose Acerno


Joyce Van Patten, Tim Van Patten, John Van Patten

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Dick Van Patten

Bio provided by Wikipedia External link to the source of this bio

Richard Vincent "Dick" Van Patten is an American actor, businessman, and animal welfare advocate, best known for his role as patriarch Tom Bradford on the television sitcom Eight is Enough. He began work as a child actor and was successful on the New York stage, appearing in more than a dozen plays as a teenager. He later starred in numerous television roles including the long running CBS television series, Mama and Young Dr. Malone. Later, he would star or co-star in many feature films including Mel Brooks' Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Charlton Heston's Soylent Green and the Academy Award-winning Charly. Van Patten is the founder of Natural Balance Pet Foods and National Guide Dog Month.

Content from Wikipedia provided under the terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
