The First Time (2012)

Nervous is normal

The First Time (2012)

Nervous is normal

Nervous is normal

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Dave, a high school senior, spends most of his time pining away over a girl he can't have. Aubrey, a junior with artistic aspirations, has a hot boyfriend who doesn't quite understand her or seem to care. Although they go to different schools, Dave and Aubrey find themselves at the same party. When both head outside to get some air, they meet. A casual conversation sparks an instant connection, and, over the course of a weekend, things turn magical, romantic, complicated, and funny as Aubrey and Dave discover what it's like to fall in love for the first time.

Synopsis for this movie has been provided by The Movie Database.


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The First Time

Original title

The First Time

Runtime in minutes


Production year


Production country
International release

