Lust for Love of a Chinese Courtesan (1984)

Lust for Love of a Chinese Courtesan (1984)

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Former wife of Chow Yun Fat, Candice Yu On-on stars in this gauzy softcore flick directed by Chor Yuen. Chun (Yu) is a high-class society woman who secretly dabbles in every sort of vice, from arranging murder to kidnapping young girls to serve as sex slaves for her brothel. One such lass is the beautiful Ai-nu, who manages to fight her way out of getting gang raped by Chun's minion. When she is recaptured, she promptly kills one of her first customers. Ai-nu's spunk intrigues Chun, prompting her to not only cover up the lass' crime but also seduce her as well. Detective Ling Yun (Alex Man Chi-leung) soon suspects something is amiss and begins investigating Chun's brothel over the objections of his superiors. When Ai-nu falls for Yun, Chun orders her lackey/lover Yeh to kill him. Instead, he tries to seduce Ai-nu himself. ~ Jonathan Crow, Rovi

Synopsis for this movie has been provided by The Movie Database.


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Lust for Love of a Chinese Courtesan

Original title

Ai nu xin zhuan

Runtime in minutes


Production year


Production companies
Production country
International release

