Away We Go (2009)

Away We Go (2009)

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Verona De Tessant (Maya Rudolph) and Burt Farlander (John Krasinski) moved to Colorado to be close to Burt's Parents. Now Verona and Burt expecting their first child and are shocked to hear that his parents are moving to Belgium, leaving them in a place they hate living without a support structure in a place. They set off on a whirlwind tour of of disparate locations (Tucson, Montreal, Miami) where they have friends or relatives, sampling not only different cities and climates but also different families. Along the way they realize that the journey is less about discovering where they want to live and more about figuring out what type of parents they want to be.

Synopsis for this movie has been provided by The Movie Database.


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Away We Go

Original title

Away we go

Runtime in minutes


Production year


Production country

25 000 000 (US dollars)

International release

